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Monthly Archive

October 2001

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 14 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Issue 37 (January - March 2002)
M. Fethullah Gulen

A Comparative Approach to Islam and Democracy

Fethullah Gulen has spent much of his life as a religious teacher in Turkey. He is author of more than forty books, most of them best-sellers in Turkey, and his writing appears regularly in Turkish read more..

Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
M. Fethullah Gulen

The Necessity of Reflection and Self-Criticism

Our first and foremost duty is to discover ourselves and then turn toward God through the illuminated prism of our nature. People who remain unaware of their true nature, and who therefore cannot esta... read more..

Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
Josep Clay

Biological Warfare

Biological warfare used to be the stuff of movies (The Andromeda Strain [1971], Outbreak [1995], 12 Monkeys [1996], Mission Impossible 2 [2000]) and books (The Coming Plague [1995], The Hot Zone [1995... read more..

Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
Guy Meynen

Identity and Political Activity in Modern Europe

The post-communist phenomenon of economic globalization tends to enlarge the economic gap between haves and have-nots. This economic gap assumes a geographical dimension in the form of the First World... read more..

Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

The Perils of Nationalism

Third matter Nationalism or ethnic differences have been unleashed in this [twentieth] century, particularly by European officials following the well-known principle of divide and rule. The target of... read more..

Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
Alphonse Dougan

Holistic Time Management

“Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” - Mark Twain Time is illusive, for it is hard to define, capture, or imagine. Just like the weather, we talk about it but c read more..

Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
The Fountain

Global Developments

IN ACADEMICS Useful Links: Organizations devoted to the academic study of religion and interfaith research and activities have found a home on the Internet. Have a look at: read more..

Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
Jay Willoughby

Economic Globalization and the Quest for Profit

America emerged from the Second World War as the world’s leading economic and industrial power. When it decided to reject its isolationist past in order to rebuild former enemies and embark upon the C... read more..

Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
Yusuf Ozaydin

The Socioeconomic Impact of Global Climate Change

And We have made the heavens as a canopy well guarded: yet do they turn away from the Signs which these things (point to)! (Qur’an 21:32) We are often awed by how fine-tuned our planet is for the read more..

Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
Jay Willoughby

Our Word is Our Weapon: Selected Writings of Subcomandante Marcos

On January 1, 1994, the day that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) begins, a new revolution unfolds. There are no calls to overthrow the government or unleash revolutionary terror, but o... read more..

Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
Lucien F. Cosijns

Collaboration in Interfaith Union

After some 10 years of daily commitment to interreligious dialogue and its organizations, as well as participation in most of the international dialogue meetings, and various ecumenical and other inte... read more..

Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
Yasmeen Bonnie Rutherford

Antibiotic Resistance

If you think that killer plagues and superbacteria are the stuff of horror movies alone, you may need to think again. Overuse and misuse of antibiotics have promoted the proliferation of antibiotic-re... read more..

Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
Sebnem Yildiz

Visible Signs of the Resurrection

At first glance, nature seems to be whatever we can see. Thus many of us tend to take life for granted and assume that its existence is both ordinary and natural. We do not question the validity of su... read more..

Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
Hikmet Isik

Questions and Answers

Question: Will religion, supposedly developed by “primitive” people to explain the unknown, eventually become unnecessary? Answer: Those who answer the above question with a resounding “yes” base the... read more..

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